Tips for When Your Skin is Breaking Out

AcneXpert Writers
3 min readJun 9, 2021

When your skin breaks out, your first thought might be that you want to hide inside your bedroom for the next week until it clears up.

Follow these top tips listed below to help cope with your next breakout and get back to your confident self in no time at all.

Keep Up With Your Skincare Routine

The next time your skin breaks out, the first thing you need to do is to continue with your regular skincare routine.

Of course, you may want to add a special treatment to deal with acne on top of that, but we encourage you not to start washing your face too frequently.

Photo by Isabell Winter on Unsplash

This is a common action that many people take during breakouts, but it can dry out your skin or make it even more uncomfortable. Unless you think one product is impacting your skin, keep going with your usual routine each morning and night.

Find a Treatment That Works for You

No one’s skin is exactly the same as anyone else’s skin, so you need to find a treatment that works for your needs moving forward.

Start by considering an over-the-counter remedy, but from there, you might need to look for something a little stronger.

Work to find a solution that doesn’t irritate your skin and that you can rely on each time you experience subsequent breakouts.

Keep Hydrated

Dehydration is a common reason for breakouts, so make sure you continue to drink the recommended number of glasses of water a day.

Don’t replace water with soda, and just try to drink pure water when possible. You’ll find that your skin will look less dull and red when you drink more water, as keeping hydrated works to fight off inflammation in your skin.

A glass of water with ice cubes being dropped into it.
Photo by Lanju Fotografie on Unsplash

Don’t Pick At Your Skin

We know how tempting it can be to squeeze or scratch at spots, but we highly encourage you to avoid doing this at all costs.

Before touching your face, ensure you wash your hands, as so much dirt collects on your fingers each day.

You’ll find your spots soon spread much quicker when you pick at them, and they’ll take far longer to clear up.

Avoid Covering Up Your Skin

If you can, try to avoid piling on loads of make-up during a breakout. While it can be so tempting to put layers of concealer on all day long, this may irritate your skin even further.

If you need to put make-up on for a special occasion or for work, try to wash it off as soon as you get home so your skin can breathe.

You’ll want to avoid sleeping with any make-up on, so make sure you wash your skin thoroughly when you do wear make-up.

By following these top tips listed above, you’ll be able to minimize the impact of your next breakout. We know how frustrating breakouts can be, but with a little patience and good hygiene, you’ll notice you enjoy clearer and healthier skin in no time at all.

