Three Ways to Keep Calm When You’re Breaking Out
Witnessing the start of an acne breakout is something that’s bound to trigger panic in just about any of us.
As soon as you see that first telltale pimple, you might well feel disappointed or defeated, particularly if you’ve been doing really well with your skincare routine and any medical treatment you’ve been prescribed.
This becomes especially challenging if it becomes a recurring issue.
There are a number of different factors that can contribute to acne breakouts, but one of the most common of the lot is stress.
This could be stress because of academic or professional performance, or stress that comes about as a result of social anxiety. It could even just be the stress of a particularly bad day.
But add the unpleasant effects of the stress itself to the fact that your skin is acting up, and you’re creating an altogether thoroughly unenjoyable recipe for panic.
That’s why we’ve decided to list three of the best ways to keep yourself calm when you realize that your skin is starting to break out. If you can practice these techniques and get the hang of them you’ll be able to ensure that your skincare routine doesn’t suffer and that the eventual breakout won’t be any worse than it has to be.
1. Count
Counting isn’t likely to seem like it’s of much comfort when you’re in full-blown panic, but in the case of acne breakouts, there’s a very good reason for suggesting it.
When you realize you’re breaking out, the most painful part of the thought isn’t how bad that one pimple looks at the moment — it’s the anticipation of the weeks to come, which you imagine must be miserable with a face full of pimples.
As soon as you notice signs of a breakout, step away from the mirror and count to ten. It’ll stop your mind from racing, and it’ll give you the chance to look at things calmly and rationally. Once you’re back in a stable headspace, it’ll be easier to recognize that a breakout isn’t the end of the world.
2. Focus
Now, more than ever, is the time for sharp focus. Because your skin is already in the process of breaking out, your job is to contain it and make sure you don’t make it worse. One of the quickest and easiest ways to exacerbate acne is to pick at the pimples that pop up.
The cruelty of this fact has to do with the idea that many of us have a natural urge to pick at our skin (if that’s a problem for you, check out this post, where we talk about how to stop picking at your skin).
We also imagine that it can stop the breakout short and prevent the situation from deteriorating.
By concentrating on not picking at your skin, you’ll be giving your mind something to do apart from freaking out about the possible breakout you’ve got on your hands. It’ll also go a long way to preventing you from making things any worse than they already are by picking at and popping your pimples.
3. Remember
Everybody who has had a first breakout will also have a last one. Think back as best you can to previous instances when your skin broke out, and remember that it all settled down again in the end.
If you can keep your perspective outwards rather than spiraling inwards and stressing you out, you’ll reduce the levels of stress you have to deal with. It’s a surefire way of getting through a troubling few moments.
Now that you’ve got an idea about some of the five best ways to stay calm when you notice your skin breaking out, all you need to do is practice them often enough that they become routine, and then remember to trust in the system if and when your skin does break out. Don’t forget that these are techniques that can be used in any stressful situation, so feel free to use them outside of acne breakouts as well.
Are there any of your favorite techniques for keeping calm during a breakout that we left off the list? Let us know in the comments below. If there are any other questions you have, about acne or Accutane or AcneXpert in general, feel free to get in touch. We’d be happy to help walk you through any aspect of it that remains unclear.