A Quick Guide to the Different Kinds of Acne
One of the most frustrating parts of dealing with acne is the fact that it can be so widespread and diverse in its presentation. From nodules to pimples to blackheads and back again, it can be difficult to keep track of exactly what’s going on with your skin at any given moment. Acne also varies in where on your body it appears, and in its severity.
That’s why here at AcneXpert we’ve decided to put together a quick guide to the different kinds of acne that can arise. We’ll walk you through how to figure out what kind of acne you’re dealing with, and whether or not being treated with Accutane online is something that makes sense for you to do. Without further ado, let’s dive in.
1. Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is what we typically think of when we imagine acne. The other two subtypes are acne mechanica, which is typically found in athletes and consists of small bumps or nodules, and acne fulminans, which is a rare kind of acne that occurs in adolescent males.
Acne vulgaris comes about as a result of hair follicles becoming clogged with sebum (oil), bacteria, and dead skin cells. The result of this is what’s known as a comedone, or clogged pore. It’s typically found on the face, back, and chest.
When dead skin cells aren’t flushed from the pores, they can get trapped and result in a pimple. Pimples come in several different varieties, each of which has its own unique qualities and levels of pain or sensitivity:
Whiteheads are clogged follicles that appear as white bumps or spots on the surface of the skin. They can range in size but generally tend to be smaller than some of the other kinds of pimples.
Blackheads most typically form on the face, neck, chest, and back. Also known as open comedones, they get their colloquial moniker from the blackish appearance that is caused when the pimple comes to a head. Contrary to popular belief, the back coloring isn’t a result of infection or dirt. Rather, it’s what happens when sebum comes into contact with oxygen at the surface of the skin.
Both papules and pustules are kinds of inflamed lesions that can. Build up during a case of acne vulgaris. Papules themselves usually appear red, and are often painful or sensitive to the touch. Pustules, on the other hand, most often appear as yellow or white. They’re usually filled with pus, which can lead many people to want to pop them to extract the pus.
While popping pustules is tempting, it can lead to acne scarring of various severity and is best avoided if at all possible.
Cysts are another kind of acne lesion that forms on the surface of the skin. Cysts are one of the most severe kinds of lesion and are usually inflamed and filled with pus. They can be sensitive to the touch, thanks to the pressure exerted by the pus inside on the sac of the cyst, and can often require professional medical treatment to deal with entirely. Accutane is one of the only online treatments that can deal with cystic acne.
Nodules are the final kind of acne manifestation that can result from acne vulgaris. Unlike the others, they tend to develop under the skin. And don’t generally contain pus. They are, however, noticeably hard or firm to the touch.
Nodules range in size but are usually around one or two centimeters wide. They’re best left alone or handled with professional medical help.
2. Acne Mechanica
Acne mechanica, as mentioned above, is often found among athletes. That’s because it’s triggered by excessive amounts of pressure or friction on the skin, such as can happen with shoes or tight clothing during exercise. The small bumps that characterize acne mechanics range from tiny comedones all the way up to inflamed lesions.
3. Acne Fulminans
Acne Fulminans usually comes on quite abruptly. The main characteristics are inflammatory nodular acne on both the chest and the back. Health issues such as fever or joint pain can come about as a result of acne fulminans, as can severe scarring and pain in the joints. It’s a very severe form of acne that requires immediate medical attention.
Now that you’ve got a better idea of what the different varieties of acne are, you’ll be better able to examine your own acne situation and make the call as to what you want to do about it.
Accutane, which is available online only through AcneXpert, has been shown to be the only acne treatment that targets all forms of acne. Take our quick quiz to find out if it’s the right idea for you by clicking here.