3 Powerful Home Remedies for Acne
Acne, for a lot of people suffering from the condition, is almost synonymous with “pain”.
From the social discomfort of feeling like people are judging you to the actual physical pain of having cysts or pimples, there are a ton of ways it can have an adverse effect on your everyday lifestyle.
At AcneXpert, we specialize in providing remote treatment with best-in-class acne care, but today, we’re going to be talking about something a little different. R
Read on to get a rough idea of three powerful home remedies you can put into place today to get your acne at least a little more under control and to hopefully relieve some of the discomfort caused by this incredibly common skin condition.
1: Aloe Vera
We all know and love aloe vera when we’ve got a sunburn, but did you know it can also provide relief for bad skin?
This soothing gel and its huge range of medicinal benefits can be a very straightforward way to work an extra bit of acne skin care into your daily routine, securing it the number one position on our quick list of down-home acne remedies.
To actually use it, it’s pretty straightforward. Just find yourself an aloe shoot and cut it in half with a knife (or tear it with your hands). Once you’ve got it opened up, scrape out the gel inside with a spoon and apply it directly to your acne, gently rubbing it in with your fingertips.
You can also get Aloe Vera from a herbal shop, but if you do, make sure that it doesn’t contain any hidden, potentially abrasive chemical ingredients.
2: Lemon Juice
Sticking with the plant theme, lemon juice can provide a surprising boost to your fight against your acne. Because it’s so astringent, it’s a great way to dry out some of the excess oil on your skin, making it an excellent choice for preventing pimples from forming before they even get going.
Lemon juice also has powerful exfoliating attributes, so it won’t just keep pimples from forming — it’ll also reduce the appearance of any scars you may have while helping to give your skin that famous glow we all want!
Application is easy — just squeeze the juice from a lemon into a small bowl or mug and mix it with something less acidic (rose water is an ideal choice) before applying directly to your skin using a cotton ball or Q-tip. Take care not to be too rough: the last thing you want is to further aggravate your skin, especially when it’s already so sensitive.
3: Honey
Applying honey to your face might sound like the last thing you should be considering doing when it comes to acne, but as it turns out, honey isn’t just delicious — it’s also packed full of nutrients, making it a fantastic contender for home treatment of any troublesome pimples you’ve been dealing with.
As with the other two choices, apply it directly to your face in a gentle, soothing manner.
Leave it on for about an hour before washing it off. Honey is famously sticky, but don’t worry — that’s actually a good thing when it comes to acne since its adhesive qualities will help you to remove excess dirt and grime from your pores.
Although none of the above are substitutes for medical treatment in cases of severe or chronic acne, they can provide an excellent firstling of defense against those troublesome pimples that have such a nasty habit of popping up when you least want to deal with them.
If you have any other suggestions, please let us know about them in the comments below — we’re always up for spreading knowledge and information!
If you’re thinking about pursuing Accutane treatment for your acne, on the other hand, why not take our 30-second eligibility test? It’ll give you a great sense of where you stand in relation to your skin, and if you’re a good candidate you get your first consultation completely free with AcneXpert.